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"Four Reasons You Need To Go Social”

1) Social Authority Has Overtaken Keyword Optimization And Backlinking As Google's Leading Ranking Factors...

Backlinks and keyword optimization are less important than they used to be because SEOs have become TOO GOOD at manipulating them in order to rank higher.

Google wants its Front Page to be filled with sites people Like, Share and Follow... Because it's their aim to become 'The Perfect Search Engine'...

And in the words of Google Co-Founder and CEO Larry Page...

“The Perfect Search Engine... Understands Exactly What You Mean And Gives You Back Exactly What You Want”

Sites with a strong social following have PROVEN themselves to be what people want, like and share... Help Google, and Google helps you, with higher rankings and more traffic!

2) Social Proof Is A Major Part Of Modern Day Purchase Decisions...

In an age where information, opinions, judgments and reviews are only a mouse-click (or touchscreen tap) away... Social Proof is paramount to all our buying decisions today.

Above all, people want to know what the 'Authorities' think on a subject because they feel like they're getting THE BEST information...

After that they'll want to know what their friends think, because they trust and value their opinions... and also so they won't get ridiculed for purchasing 'the wrong thing'...

Once they've gathered those opinions... people take a look at what the masses think... Common consensus and popular opinion are powerful influencers.

 And once that's all taken care of... They can finally figure out what they really want to buy.

Remember this:

With a strong social following... YOU can become the prime influencer in your niche, with authority, and YOUR opinions and recommendations will be followed first...

Even better, you'll be able to sway the opinions of those 'friends' and 'strangers' further down the chart too... Because they form their opinions from Authorities too!

3) You Can Profit From Your Social Following Even Without Search Engine Traffic...

By capitalizing on Reason #2 above, you can start earning from Facebook and Twitter alone, even without increasing your Google ranks.

Your fans and followers will be a constant stream of traffic for you, and if you engage with them the right way, you'll generate a torrent of traffic to any link you post (your blog, your squeeze page, a product, an affiliate offer... you get the idea!)

4) If You Don't - Your Competitors Will Soon Catch On And Leave You In Their Dust...

If you don't start rolling out your High-Impact Facebook and Twitter Campaigns now... Others Will... And you’ll be left in a much tougher position when you do come around and start building your own campaigns.

You'll lose out on traffic, and gaining Authority will be that much more difficult for you once your competitors start growing theirs at full steam ahead... Which they will once the news above becomes widespread.

Also, if you’ve got no social presence where your competitor's do, you’ll soon find it tough to earn any profit at all, you'll be completely out of the loop and it'll become virtually impossible to compete in Google.

That's what happens to any business that doesn't adapt and evolve with the times.

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