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SEO Copywriting

Optimizing Your Content

Find out which keywords are primary and secondary: If you’re not the SEM analyst on the project, that person should arrange those keywords for you according to importance/weight. You’ll give more priority to the primary keywords when optimizing.
Identify keyword distribution: Keywords should be distributed throughout the content evenly – showing up at top, in middle and towards the end of copy. Map out visually on the page where they should go (ensuring they fit naturally into the content). We just added a new layer  that can help you see where your keywords on the page might be lacking.

Identify the keyword density:

Each keyword should have a minimum/maximum usage for the content as identified by the SEM analyst. If you’re not the person deciding this, work with the appropriate teams to get this data.

Identify the word count of the page:

Each page should have a minimum and/or target word count. You should always say as much as you need to on the topic to be thorough and provide something of quality, but there is typically a minimum word count. I always like to think of 450 words as the least amount of copy you want to write on a topic. The SEM analyst can tell you what their recommendations are on the minimum word count for that keyword set.
Identify the tilde (clarification) words. Tilde words are those words most commonly used surrounding certain topics. These words can help clarify to the search engine if you are talking about a fruit or a computer when your content is about “apples,” for example. Tilde words will then be in proximity in the body copy to your keyword phrases
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