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Google Panda Update 25

Google is not overly eager to announce Google Panda updates. Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts recently hinted that the 25th iteration of the Google Panda algorithm would be released mid March 2013. Google has indicated that it will no longer announce Panda updates and that it will roll them out gradually. The updates will be less noticeable and more integrated. It is for this reason that you should get a top SEO company to go back to the basics – you will need more than Google Panda recovery services.

Google Panda update 25 should be the last update to be manually pushed. It is hard to believe that we are on the 25th iteration. The first Google Panda update was released on the 24th of February, 2011. This affected 11.8% of queries (English in the U.S. only). The previous update, the 24th one, was released on the 22nd of January 2013 and it affected 1.2% of English queries.

After the 25th iteration, there will be no longer the dreaded traffic crashes and Panda surges that all Webmasters dread. With less severe fluctuations, it will be possible for you to take action before drastic drops in traffic or crashes. However, it will also be less obvious that you have been penalized and you may end up losing considerable time before you realize. Consider hiring a professional SEO services companyto audit your website if you feel you’re losing rankings and traffic but not sure why. They understand the effect of Google Panda updates and are best suited to optimize your website.

Some of the most effective post-Panda SEO tactics include reclaiming your backlinks by repairing broken links (you can use Google Webmaster Tool to see them), disavowing unnatural and poor quality back links, building contextual links via guest blog posting, the use of long-tail keywords, and the generation of quality content.

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